Hadisi la mawindo ita imba sifa ya mwindaji mpaka simba aseme hadisi
Tant que les lions n’auront pas leurs conteurs, les histoires de chasse tourneront toujours à la gloire des chasseurs.
Until the lions have their historians, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
— African proverb
This page is dedicated to survivors of torture who have come to the United States with hope for safety, peace and freedom. They are the refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, and documented or undocumented aliens who have fled persecution and war and who need mental health support. I can offer a safe environment where trust and confidentiality will be respected, no matter what your country of origin, your tribal affiliation, your political and religious beliefs or cultural background are.
Most likely, the wounds of torture will manifest in physical and emotional complaints. They are the consequences of the trauma inflicted upon the soul. Symptoms might reflect fear, anxiety, depression, numbness of feelings, hypervigilance, sleeplessness with nightmares, flashbacks, forgetfulness, to name just a few. PTSD can also surface as a likely diagnosis.
Counseling is offered in French and in English, using a variety of modalities to help the survivor come to terms with the consequences of the trauma of torture. One of my favorite tools is Somatic Experiencing®, a psychophysiological modality that is geared toward trauma resolution. I am open to see individuals (adults as well as children), couples, small groups and families. I am most knowledgeable with the African culture.
I am a firm defender of the freedom to speak, to dissent and to challenge the power in place. I embrace the democratic process at all levels. Every day, around the world, innocent civilians are being tortured because they think differently, because they pray to a different God or simply because they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are being kidnapped to become soldiers, the rape of women and young girls has become common as a weapon of war and the collective trauma suffered by civilians has reached horrific proportions. To use civilians as the ransom of war is simply unacceptable. In order to reconnect victims of torture to their dignity and to give voice to the people who were purposefully silenced by the perpetrators of torture, I have committed myself to participate in healing these wounds.
There will be more on these pages about my participation in further programs. The work is still in progress.
I am in support of: